San Pablo City Cake Slices1843 %ianlopez11152021-02-13 04:28:04

WMS link: wms:{proj}&WIDTH={width}&height={height}&BBOX={bbox}

Eighteen slices. One medium-sized city.
Commerces et services de Nantes10128 %naomap2021-02-12 10:00:09

WMS link: wms:{proj}&WIDTH={width}&height={height}&BBOX={bbox}

Mise à jour des commerces et services (hôtels, bars, restaurants, services publics, etc.) ayant un pas de porte à Nantes.
Arrondissement de Senlis - bâti133100 %Pichasso2021-02-11 11:29:53

WMS link: wms:{proj}&WIDTH={width}&height={height}&BBOX={bbox}

Hauts-de-France, import du bâti et localisation de la mairie, de l'église et du cimetière pour les communes de l'arrondissement de Senlis. Dernier arrondissement de la nouvelle région
Caaguazu_MDUT_UPC620 %katrina lisnichuk2020-12-26 17:30:56

WMS link: wms:{proj}&WIDTH={width}&height={height}&BBOX={bbox}

ETIQUETAS -Para Edificios building=yes source=mdut_upc -Para Verdes Urbanos landcover=trees source=mdut_upc area=yes -Para vegetación, plug in fast draw: landcover=trees source=mdut_upc area=yes COMENTARIO Mapeo colectivo realizado en el marco del Máster en Desarrollo Urbano y Territorial (MDUT) Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya (UPC) #MapPyOSM
pruba160 %ToMaps_py2020-12-15 20:55:46

WMS link: wms:{proj}&WIDTH={width}&height={height}&BBOX={bbox}

No description
Atlas Urbano_Corredor Ruta 2_Asunción_Ciudad del Este11430 %MapPyOSM_tomlo20172020-12-08 08:19:08

WMS link: wms:{proj}&WIDTH={width}&height={height}&BBOX={bbox}

TIQUETAS -Para Edificios: construcción = sí source = Cidi -Para espejos de agua natural = water source = cidi -Para Vegetación urbana, plugin fast draw: landcover = trees source = cidi area = yes COMENTARIO #MapPyOSM - #CIDI FADA UNA. Mapeo sistemático de Paraguay-Edificios- Vegetación-Agua
Санкт-Петербург2840 %sleemp2020-11-01 16:57:44

WMS link: wms:{proj}&WIDTH={width}&height={height}&BBOX={bbox}

СПб, Загородный-Обводный Пирог по снимкам OpenAerialMap,59.91726761846102,14/latest/5f7c86f968aff80007e79866?_k=tfogei
cloud tykayn480 %tykayn2020-09-20 17:36:35

WMS link: wms:{proj}&WIDTH={width}&height={height}&BBOX={bbox}

compte de démo pour utiliser wordpress
San Miguel - Misiones. UP FADA/UNA1989 %Map Py - Ara Duré2020-09-16 17:43:07

WMS link: wms:{proj}&WIDTH={width}&height={height}&BBOX={bbox}

La imagen utilizada para el mapeo: Maxar Premium Imagery (Beta) Comentario: #UP FADA/UNA - Análisis físico del área urbana
Cascadia Earthquake Prep1272 %Oregon On Demand2020-09-13 21:06:45

WMS link: wms:{proj}&WIDTH={width}&height={height}&BBOX={bbox}

This region is expected to experience a major earthquake at any time followed by a possible tsunami that would threaten the coastal areas.
The goal is to map emergency services, buildings, and roads along the Oregon Coast.

Please try to follow the guidelines as listed here:,_buildings,_waterways_instructions

Feel free to leave comments if you have any questions and take you time working on each slice .