IrlJidelDacor is it possible to change the map background?00:53:37 10.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelchippy: ping22:38:19 10.09.2013 UTC
rorymgoing on an upload spree00:33:13 12.09.2013 UTC
mackerskirorym: Good man00:54:35 12.09.2013 UTC
mackerskirorym, is there a chance you didn't convert that Fermanagh sheet? I can't make the crop stick01:53:26 12.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelguess add mapwaper link as a comment to the slice as well11:28:09 12.09.2013 UTC
rorymDaCor: I see you've been working on slice 42 (sheet 32-19-NW). I've just uploaded that to mapwarper. link in comments09:23:55 13.09.2013 UTC
rorymmackerski: I see you've been wokring on slice 104 (sheet 29-25-SW). I've uploaded that to mapwaper. (cf. comment)09:24:32 13.09.2013 UTC
rorymI'm going to reserve a slice to me at 0/9 when I start uploading the file, and set it to 1/9 when it has been uploaded10:31:26 13.09.2013 UTC
Unknownyou're like a machine12:55:18 13.09.2013 UTC
Unknownat this rate how long until you have them all uploaded?12:55:49 13.09.2013 UTC
rorymat this rate, it'll be weeks before they are uploaded.... :(12:56:22 13.09.2013 UTC
Unknownreally? ouch12:57:18 13.09.2013 UTC
rorymwell, there's ~600.12:57:32 13.09.2013 UTC
rorym10 a day means 60 days. 20 a day means 30 days. Either way weeks12:57:56 13.09.2013 UTC
rorymstill, gotta start somewhere!12:58:02 13.09.2013 UTC
Unknowntrue12:58:10 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelKDDA hi18:17:07 13.09.2013 UTC
KDDAhi18:19:08 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelzoom the map up to your neck of the woods18:19:31 13.09.2013 UTC
KDDAok18:19:59 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelare each cake slice numbered? if not go to settings/cake settings18:21:01 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelo good you figured it out18:21:15 13.09.2013 UTC
KDDAmmmm pie18:21:34 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJideland in 'Draw in piece' select index18:21:42 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelwill just print the cake number in each cake slice18:21:56 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelyellow means we have uploaded a map18:22:09 13.09.2013 UTC
KDDAsorry Im lost18:22:10 13.09.2013 UTC
KDDAI have reserved a slice18:22:34 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelcool18:22:37 13.09.2013 UTC
KDDA205 I think18:22:41 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelare each cake slice numbered? if not go to settings/cake settings18:22:50 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelSettings in is top LHS18:23:05 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelnd in 'Draw in piece' select 'index'18:23:20 13.09.2013 UTC
KDDAyes got it18:23:21 13.09.2013 UTC
KDDA20518:23:22 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelcool18:23:27 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelso u have grabbed 20518:23:33 13.09.2013 UTC
KDDAlucky me!18:23:41 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelthere's a mapwarper link in the comments18:23:50 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelclick on that to go to map warper site18:23:58 13.09.2013 UTC
KDDA1690?18:24:05 13.09.2013 UTC
KDDAdidnt know there was maps then18:24:14 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelthat's just a number18:24:27 13.09.2013 UTC
KDDAmust be my internet18:24:51 13.09.2013 UTC
KDDAmapwarper is slow too18:24:59 13.09.2013 UTC
KDDAok Ive registered with mapwarper18:27:00 13.09.2013 UTC
KDDAnow what?18:27:06 13.09.2013 UTC
KDDAI can see IRL-GSGS-3906-23-33-SE-Rosslea.tif18:27:24 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelclick on the rectify tab18:30:46 13.09.2013 UTC
KDDAI have 3 times and nothing18:31:12 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelstill loading?18:31:41 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelis your net connection total shite?18:31:56 13.09.2013 UTC
KDDAno idea what its doing18:32:01 13.09.2013 UTC
KDDAyes, pure and utter shite18:32:13 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelwhat browser you using?18:32:45 13.09.2013 UTC
KDDAFirefox18:32:51 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelwhen u click on rectify tab it'll show a page with teo maps18:33:02 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidels/teo/two/18:33:08 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelteh map sheet on LHS18:33:17 13.09.2013 UTC
KDDAyes I got that far the last time18:33:21 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJideland OSM map on RHS18:33:29 13.09.2013 UTC
KDDAbut could understand how you "pin" the maps together18:33:50 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelthen to rectify you create control points18:33:55 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJideleg on LHS map you would say create a CP (control point) at a cross roads18:34:24 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJideland on RHS you woudl click on the OSM map at the same cross roads18:34:46 13.09.2013 UTC
KDDAIl be back, going to reboot router see if that helps18:35:11 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJideland repeat that a few dozen times18:35:21 13.09.2013 UTC
KDDAam I back?18:39:06 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelyup18:39:19 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJideldoes rectify tab work now?18:39:34 13.09.2013 UTC
KDDAwont load18:40:10 13.09.2013 UTC
KDDAok there its working now18:41:04 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelso basically you click on common points on the LHS sheet and RHS OSM map18:41:28 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelto tie the points togetehr18:41:42 13.09.2013 UTC
KDDAhow?18:41:45 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelok zoom in on LHS map18:41:54 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelfind a cross roads or something that woul dmake a good refererence point18:42:20 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelsee the little pencil icon on top rhs of LHS map?18:43:14 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidel"Add control point"18:43:31 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelthen double click to add that control point on LHS sheet and find the corresponding area on the RHS map18:44:42 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJideland double click on that18:44:48 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelthen press the Add Control point button just underneath the two maps18:45:08 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelmake sense?18:45:14 13.09.2013 UTC
KDDAok I have a wee blue marker on the same cross on both sides18:45:44 13.09.2013 UTC
KDDAI clicked add control point and its made a new one #1218:47:22 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelyeah (which I fixed)18:58:17 13.09.2013 UTC
KDDAam I doing it wrong?18:58:52 13.09.2013 UTC
KDDAIve added a few :/18:59:02 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelu did it right but actually had the 12 CP at wrong point slightly18:59:32 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelsee that the markers are different colors?18:59:53 13.09.2013 UTC
KDDAyes19:00:06 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelthats its calculating estimatied errro19:00:37 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelie it seems a bit out of whack with the other CPs19:00:57 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelyellow means it thinks it is an error19:01:26 13.09.2013 UTC
KDDAwhat blue?19:01:41 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJideljust less out of whack19:02:05 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelunderneath teh 2 images19:02:12 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelclin kon Control Points19:02:19 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelant it shows you all the CP details19:03:04 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelincluding calculated error19:03:18 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidellooks liek blue is best19:03:27 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelthen grenn19:03:32 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelthen yellow19:03:36 13.09.2013 UTC
KDDAhow many cp is needed for accuate recficity ?19:04:57 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelhard to say - but best to spread them around19:05:56 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJideland that's basically it19:06:44 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelof course you need to be happy that the OSM roads are well mapped from bing19:07:16 13.09.2013 UTC
KDDAof course, sure I mapped most of them :P19:07:51 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelcos if your reference map is crap your rectified map will be crap too19:08:02 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelwhen finished Click warp map19:08:13 13.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelgotta go19:08:46 13.09.2013 UTC
rorym@ManAboutCouch I've uploaded those sheets around Donegal23:52:59 13.09.2013 UTC
KDDAhi irljidel11:18:19 14.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelhiya11:21:58 14.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelgetting the hang of it?11:22:24 14.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelcya11:33:26 14.09.2013 UTC
KDDAkinda, very slow though11:35:20 14.09.2013 UTC
rorym10%!11:54:04 14.09.2013 UTC
rorym68 sheets have been uploaded! ( )11:54:17 14.09.2013 UTC
rorymonly 90% more to go ☹11:54:22 14.09.2013 UTC
KDDARory, is it slice 206 (Clones Sheet) thats corrupt?12:09:41 14.09.2013 UTC
rorymyes slice #206 for clones is corrupt12:14:36 14.09.2013 UTC
rorymwe have a top slice of it12:14:47 14.09.2013 UTC
rorymKDDA, is there a slice you'd like me to upload?12:15:24 14.09.2013 UTC
KDDAhi rory#15:18:01 14.09.2013 UTC
DaCorwhat qty of CP's are we looking to get as a finished qty for each sheet?21:21:12 17.09.2013 UTC
DaCori know 3 CP's are good enough for the initial rectification, but for an end product, whats the target?21:21:33 17.09.2013 UTC
DaCor5, 10, 20?21:21:37 17.09.2013 UTC
DaCormore?21:21:41 17.09.2013 UTC
KDDADacor, status 7 says a minium of 20 CP21:40:12 18.09.2013 UTC
KDDAmackerski : is the mapwarper tms working?15:06:04 19.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelKDDA is shoudl be15:49:11 19.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelthat's what this uses: 19.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelexcept I use layer 10115:50:25 19.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelrorym owns layer 100 and mightnt have added all the maps into it15:50:53 19.09.2013 UTC
KDDAah15:51:01 19.09.2013 UTC
KDDAIm using 10015:51:06 19.09.2013 UTC
KDDARoslea is on there15:51:18 19.09.2013 UTC
KDDAbut not Enniskillen15:51:26 19.09.2013 UTC
KDDAdoes he have to run an update?15:51:39 19.09.2013 UTC
KDDAIm going to have to stop helping out until next month :(15:53:08 19.09.2013 UTC
KDDAIve used another 1Gb today15:53:20 19.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelyeah rory has to add it to his layer15:59:59 19.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelkdda got a library nearby with wifi?16:00:14 19.09.2013 UTC
KDDAare you joking?16:00:32 19.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelno.16:01:40 19.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelany starbucks ;-)16:01:46 19.09.2013 UTC
KDDAoh yes, theres one at the end of the road16:02:09 19.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelso you gonna get wimax or something?16:03:00 19.09.2013 UTC
KDDAdont know16:03:10 19.09.2013 UTC
KDDAthey have been out16:03:19 19.09.2013 UTC
KDDAIve said they can use some land and even a mast16:03:37 19.09.2013 UTC
KDDAbut no feedback as yet16:03:48 19.09.2013 UTC
KDDAnearest Starbucks is in Derry16:06:26 19.09.2013 UTC
KDDAsure thats only an hour and half down the road16:06:45 19.09.2013 UTC
DaCorrorym - state 1/9 has been updated to match what you are doing i.e. sheet uploaded03:16:00 23.09.2013 UTC
IrlJidelrorym cal u release 47616:18:01 24.09.2013 UTC
rorymDaCor: you're claiming a lot of slices....15:59:26 28.09.2013 UTC
DaCorSorry, didn't think to release when I was done with them22:49:12 30.09.2013 UTC
KDDAIm I logged in?13:27:56 07.02.2014 UTC
IrlJidelyup13:28:00 07.02.2014 UTC
IrlJidelin users box13:28:07 07.02.2014 UTC
IrlJidelclick on 27513:28:16 07.02.2014 UTC
KDDAso I assume Im logged in13:28:19 07.02.2014 UTC
IrlJidelthe PROPERTIES box will appear13:28:29 07.02.2014 UTC
KDDAyes13:28:37 07.02.2014 UTC
IrlJidelit has Owner: KDDA13:28:46 07.02.2014 UTC
KDDAno, it says owner = none13:28:57 07.02.2014 UTC
IrlJidelfor which slice number?13:29:28 07.02.2014 UTC
KDDA27513:29:35 07.02.2014 UTC
IrlJidelit says KDDA13:29:48 07.02.2014 UTC
KDDA*shakes head*13:30:04 07.02.2014 UTC
IrlJidelguess log out and log back in again13:30:17 07.02.2014 UTC
KDDA 07.02.2014 UTC
IrlJidelthat's 27613:31:48 07.02.2014 UTC
IrlJidel275!!!!!!!!!!!!!!13:31:53 07.02.2014 UTC
KDDAgrrrr13:32:30 07.02.2014 UTC
IrlJidelput that's the same13:32:39 07.02.2014 UTC
IrlJidelguess log out/ refresh and log backin13:32:54 07.02.2014 UTC
KDDA 07.02.2014 UTC
KDDAI took snapshot of the wrong one13:33:46 07.02.2014 UTC
IrlJideltry shift-reloading this page13:34:39 07.02.2014 UTC
KDDAok logged out13:35:05 07.02.2014 UTC
KDDAand logged in13:35:08 07.02.2014 UTC
IrlJidelu must be looking at old data13:35:15 07.02.2014 UTC
IrlJideldid u shift reload page13:35:22 07.02.2014 UTC
KDDAah thats better13:35:59 07.02.2014 UTC
KDDAcan see your test comment now13:36:15 07.02.2014 UTC
IrlJidel276 ok as well?13:36:35 07.02.2014 UTC
KDDAthey all mine now13:36:55 07.02.2014 UTC
IrlJidelgrand13:37:00 07.02.2014 UTC
IrlJidel*shrug*13:37:06 07.02.2014 UTC
KDDAand I can give them up too13:37:11 07.02.2014 UTC
KDDAwould you have time to upload 17/35 ?13:37:48 07.02.2014 UTC
KDDAwhich should be 394,395,354,35513:38:19 07.02.2014 UTC
IrlJidelguess i'll fire them off13:39:53 07.02.2014 UTC
Unknownhow are guys10:30:12 19.02.2014 UTC
UnknownWould you have time to upload #54 and #55 (Co Antrim)?10:49:34 13.03.2014 UTC
Stephen_Co_AntrimThanks guys11:14:15 13.03.2014 UTC
BoggedyAh OK, now I can see this KDDA15:15:14 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAhi15:29:56 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAsorry I had mine hidden there for a while15:30:09 29.03.2014 UTC
BoggedyWhat maked the slice go green?15:49:44 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAthe status15:49:53 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDA9/9 means everything is done and its ready for showtime15:50:10 29.03.2014 UTC
Boggedycriteria?15:50:22 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAfully rectified15:50:39 29.03.2014 UTC
Boggedywho decides, me or mapcraft15:50:50 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDA6/9 Min 15 CP's applied 7/9 Min 20 CP's applied 8/9 Min 30 CP's applied 9/9 Sheet is available on Irish Tile Server15:50:54 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDADacor set up the status15:51:17 29.03.2014 UTC
BoggedyOK15:51:24 29.03.2014 UTC
Boggedylet me get used to it so15:51:37 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAit takes a while :)15:51:46 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAbut its useful15:51:52 29.03.2014 UTC
Boggedywill, used to mapwarper now15:51:56 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAI couldnt use mapwarper properly on my old internet connection15:52:22 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDApainfully slow15:52:26 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAmapcraft lets me see where I need to work15:52:54 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAneed to get irljidel to upload some more15:53:11 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAdo you want to update 169 and 13315:53:39 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAas a practice15:53:44 29.03.2014 UTC
BoggedyNo15:53:58 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAIll update the status then15:54:22 29.03.2014 UTC
BoggedyYou set the state there, how exactly?15:55:17 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAyou need to take ownership15:55:36 29.03.2014 UTC
Boggedydone15:55:48 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAthen the second button down is progress15:55:51 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAclick on the button and you get a slider15:56:05 29.03.2014 UTC
Boggedysee it now, ta15:56:12 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAon the bottom right shows who has what slices15:57:08 29.03.2014 UTC
Boggedysaw that one15:57:47 29.03.2014 UTC
Boggedycan I 'nick' one or does the owner have exclusivity15:58:09 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAthe whole idea is that a group can all work together without stepping on each others toes15:58:41 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAit doesnt really matter15:59:07 29.03.2014 UTC
BoggedyOf course, say if someone forgot and the last activity was a few months ago15:59:13 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAbut just helps visualise the work flow15:59:20 29.03.2014 UTC
BoggedyI see the workflow advantage15:59:46 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAi think there is an option to force the release15:59:51 29.03.2014 UTC
BoggedyBut I see the same in Mapwarper :)16:00:04 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAthe other guys use this for city mapping16:00:16 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAand mapping parties16:00:28 29.03.2014 UTC
Boggedycool.16:00:34 29.03.2014 UTC
BoggedyI am a bogmapper though16:00:40 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAyou can divide an area in a grid16:00:50 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAand work on each section16:00:58 29.03.2014 UTC
Boggedyis this used for disaster area jobs?16:01:08 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAwhat is a bog mapper?16:01:16 29.03.2014 UTC
Boggedya mapper of bogs16:01:25 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAIm not sure, but its a great tool16:01:31 29.03.2014 UTC
Boggedylooks fantastic for sure16:01:43 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAare you in the Environment Agency?16:02:18 29.03.2014 UTC
Boggedynah :)16:02:28 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAjust a personal interest?16:02:40 29.03.2014 UTC
BoggedyI caused loads of trouble for the EPA :)16:03:11 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAgood16:03:18 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAthey deserve it16:03:27 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAyou should give our boys some trouble too16:04:01 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAis this link working for you - 29.03.2014 UTC
BoggedyHang on, checking16:16:24 29.03.2014 UTC
BoggedyThere is a problem with it16:17:28 29.03.2014 UTC
Boggedyseems like the link is somewhat congested16:18:45 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAI cant get it to display the grid reference for GSGS16:20:27 29.03.2014 UTC
BoggedyCorrect. either there is a problem with the tile server or the link to where it is located in Blanchardstown somewhere16:21:29 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAonly seems to be that layer16:23:21 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAit was working last night16:23:36 29.03.2014 UTC
Boggedycouple of services may need a restart16:24:54 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAso what do you like about bogs?16:25:11 29.03.2014 UTC
Boggedythey deserve their own piece of map is what16:25:38 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAIve actually never mapped a bog before16:26:03 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAand there is plenty around here16:26:13 29.03.2014 UTC
BoggedyOK, ./me back to work so16:29:56 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAaye, I have few bits to do myself16:30:45 29.03.2014 UTC
KDDAgood luck16:30:48 29.03.2014 UTC
PaddyMatthewsDaCor: Hi Dave. Thanks for getting the Mapcraft issue resolved.14:15:43 29.09.2014 UTC
DaCorno problem Paddy17:34:33 29.09.2014 UTC
Unknownevening cgarvey22:12:22 12.10.2014 UTC
Unknownops forgot to login22:12:35 12.10.2014 UTC
DaCorthats better22:14:08 12.10.2014 UTC
DaCorI see you are rectifying a sheet in Clare22:14:51 12.10.2014 UTC
cgarveySorry, delayed reaction .. just trying to tidy up some of Clare (starting with one sheet I know well, as I learn!)22:21:30 12.10.2014 UTC
DaCorno worries22:21:39 12.10.2014 UTC
DaCorhave you seen the mapping townlands page on the wiki?22:21:51 12.10.2014 UTC
cgarveyActually just following your videos now .. a huge help, cheers!22:22:05 12.10.2014 UTC
DaCorgreat22:22:12 12.10.2014 UTC
DaCorfyi, I've some new ones uploaded just this evening22:22:22 12.10.2014 UTC
cgarveyYup, have seen the wiki / working off that22:22:23 12.10.2014 UTC
DaCorI've a new version of ep.3 in particaular you should take a look at22:23:11 12.10.2014 UTC
DaCorits still uploading at the moment, but will be ok to view tomorrow22:23:28 12.10.2014 UTC
cgarveyAh, was wondering (the URLs stopped working for a short while!)22:24:59 12.10.2014 UTC
DaCorwow, you are a long time member, 2007, 12.10.2014 UTC
cgarveycheers, will take another gander in the morning22:25:11 12.10.2014 UTC
DaCoryeah sorry, spooted a few issues, so had to redo ep. 1-422:25:21 12.10.2014 UTC
DaCorthe full series should be uploaded by morning, just ep.3 & 8 still uploading22:25:40 12.10.2014 UTC
cgarveyOnly thing I noticed was the path for the Irish Boundaries (styles/presets) no longer work (server 500 errors on .. but I can add them both manually (links from 12.10.2014 UTC
cgarveyother than that, all good!22:26:39 12.10.2014 UTC
cgarveylong time member, not much of a contribution though!22:26:48 12.10.2014 UTC
DaCordid you add them from inside josm or input a url?22:27:08 12.10.2014 UTC
DaCorhey every bit counts :)22:28:02 12.10.2014 UTC
cgarveyused the URL from the wiki to manually add to JOSM (versus searching within JSOM)22:28:03 12.10.2014 UTC
cgarveybut i see the server error is no more again now, so I can do it just like the vid! *sigh*22:28:38 12.10.2014 UTC
DaCorah ok, yeah, they have been added to the preset list inside josm, so you can add them the same as any other preset now. I think ep.6 goes through that22:28:59 12.10.2014 UTC
DaCorsound22:29:05 12.10.2014 UTC
DaCorbtw, are you on the mailing list for osm ireland?22:29:20 12.10.2014 UTC
cgarveyYeah, it just wasn't working for at least 15 mins earlier, so I went to plan B so that i could continue22:29:41 12.10.2014 UTC
cgarveyon the list, yup, only subscribed a few days ago though (the Westmeath thread got me interested!)22:30:04 12.10.2014 UTC
DaCorgood stuff22:30:23 12.10.2014 UTC
DaCorif you are planning on mapping townlands in clare would you mind if I add your name to the table here 12.10.2014 UTC
cgarveyFeel free, but my contributions won't be quick or plentiful! This is time-consuming (mainly trying to find those dotted boundaries)!22:50:48 12.10.2014 UTC
DaCorseriously, don't worry about it in terms of quantity23:06:06 12.10.2014 UTC
DaCorthis is a slow process23:06:11 12.10.2014 UTC
DaCoryou're up late paddy (not that I can talk)01:13:44 13.10.2014 UTC
PaddyMatthewsHi Dave20:02:50 13.10.2014 UTC
PaddyMatthewsWas just trying to rewarp some of the Longford-Cavan stuff - there's an annoying gap along the border between two of the sheets20:03:49 13.10.2014 UTC
DaCorhey paddy20:08:52 13.10.2014 UTC
DaCorsorry, was afk20:08:59 13.10.2014 UTC
DaCorif there's a gap that doesnt seem to disappear no matter what you do when rectifying, maybe take a look at the cropping of the sheet. It might be the crop might need to be refined (possibility of too much cropped off)20:09:58 13.10.2014 UTC
PaddyMatthewsI don't think it's the crop as such (because the bottom of the upper sheet had been cropped less than it should have been)20:10:57 13.10.2014 UTC
PaddyMatthewsAnyway... have to log off... will talk soon20:11:27 13.10.2014 UTC
DaCorok, later20:13:25 13.10.2014 UTC
DaCortile # 651, can't locate the mapwarper link to this sheet20:25:27 13.10.2014 UTC
DaCorgot it20:36:10 13.10.2014 UTC
DaCorevening paddy20:56:56 18.10.2014 UTC
idnocNot sure if I have set my statuses correctly for the 4 sheets I'm working on. All sheets are rectified with varying amounts of CP's00:58:35 21.10.2014 UTC
idnocHave set my sheets to "Available on Tile Server"00:58:58 21.10.2014 UTC
DaCoridnoc, I updated your slices based on the spread of CP's in them12:54:35 25.10.2014 UTC
DaCorfor tile # 431, you really should look at adding more CP's if possible, as you will be forced to use the map sheet for a lot of your boundary info (few walls / roads) so having the sheet as accurate as possible will make your life easier when you start drawing boundaries in that area12:56:06 25.10.2014 UTC
DaCorother than that, your sheets look good12:56:48 25.10.2014 UTC
DaCorevening folks :)21:49:39 28.10.2014 UTC
DaCorlots of people logged in here tonight21:49:53 28.10.2014 UTC
jmkieevening :)21:52:52 28.10.2014 UTC
DaCorhi jmkie21:53:11 28.10.2014 UTC
DaCorremind me, where are you mapping?21:53:20 28.10.2014 UTC
jmkien kildare for the moment21:53:33 28.10.2014 UTC
DaCorits hard to keep track, a lot of people have started adding townlands all over the place21:53:41 28.10.2014 UTC
DaCorah great21:53:47 28.10.2014 UTC
DaCorwhen I sent out that mail originally, the eta for completion was 2025 I think21:54:14 28.10.2014 UTC
jmkiejust rectified a second kildare map21:54:21 28.10.2014 UTC
DaCornow, with everyone chipping in, its down to Jan 201621:54:31 28.10.2014 UTC
DaCorcool21:54:46 28.10.2014 UTC
jmkieyep. well fingers crossed. the more the merrier and all that21:54:54 28.10.2014 UTC
DaCorexactly21:54:59 28.10.2014 UTC
DaCor:)21:55:03 28.10.2014 UTC
jmkieI don't know if you noticed the first evening of my edits a few days ago21:55:19 28.10.2014 UTC
jmkiebecause when I checked townlands .ie the next day21:55:28 28.10.2014 UTC
jmkieKildare didn't exist :)21:55:33 28.10.2014 UTC
DaCorI've seen your nick coming up on the feed alright21:55:42 28.10.2014 UTC
DaCorha21:56:07 28.10.2014 UTC
jmkieI thought it was me21:56:20 28.10.2014 UTC
jmkiebut by coincidence somebody else was twekaing their townlands touching on kildare21:56:33 28.10.2014 UTC
jmkieso it sorted now21:56:49 28.10.2014 UTC
DaCorah, must have broken the county border. No big deal, easy to fix21:57:03 28.10.2014 UTC
jmkieyep21:57:10 28.10.2014 UTC
DaCorYou've passed 100 townlands in Kildare :)21:57:22 28.10.2014 UTC
jmkieyep. 10% maybe21:58:22 28.10.2014 UTC
jmkieand was it you sorted out the TCD source?21:59:24 28.10.2014 UTC
jmkiethat was a great find21:59:31 28.10.2014 UTC
jmkieand great to get access to th emaps21:59:56 28.10.2014 UTC
DaCorno wasn't me22:00:34 28.10.2014 UTC
DaCorit was another mapper, a retired gent, goes by the nick brianh22:00:49 28.10.2014 UTC
jmkiefair play. and great to see all the online materials and videos22:01:20 28.10.2014 UTC
jmkielots of work in that.22:01:24 28.10.2014 UTC
DaCorthey gave sheets for carlow first to see what could be done, once that county was fully mapped, they accepted it as a proof of concep[t and releaseed the whole collection22:01:47 28.10.2014 UTC
DaCoryeah22:01:52 28.10.2014 UTC
DaCorit helps I've been off work with a bad back for the last few weeks, otherwise it would take months to put all that together22:02:13 28.10.2014 UTC
jmkiejeepers. well fair play.22:02:54 28.10.2014 UTC
DaCorthanks22:06:38 28.10.2014 UTC
DaCorby the way, I dont know if you are aware, the irish osm community has its own chatroom where there's usually 10-20 mappers lurking, so if you are ever stuck on something, or even if you just want to chat with other mappers, you're welcome to join it anytime22:08:25 28.10.2014 UTC
DaCorthis link will open it in your browser - 28.10.2014 UTC
DaCorevening paddy22:57:21 28.10.2014 UTC
DaCorbeen meaning to say, you're making fantastic progress22:57:41 28.10.2014 UTC
DaCoryou are westmeath, right?22:57:59 28.10.2014 UTC
matze_looking for #44 and #76, which alternate server are they on?15:34:45 29.10.2014 UTC
DaCorirljidel, that you?22:42:39 29.10.2014 UTC
DaCorah22:42:42 29.10.2014 UTC
IrlJidelmatze 44 and 76 were on an server called faffy22:43:30 29.10.2014 UTC
DaCorhe's not here at the moment22:43:59 29.10.2014 UTC
IrlJideland were rectified using qgis and globalmapper22:43:59 29.10.2014 UTC
DaCormessage him insite maybe22:45:02 29.10.2014 UTC
DaCor 29.10.2014 UTC
IrlJidelwhats teh mapwaroer link for #7522:47:50 29.10.2014 UTC
DaCorI'm just digging into that now22:48:05 29.10.2014 UTC
DaCorthere you go22:49:23 29.10.2014 UTC
DaCor 29.10.2014 UTC
matze_so how do i get 44 and 76 into josm, faffy seems dead10:53:53 30.10.2014 UTC
DaCormatze_, I sent you a message regarding those sheets, they are availabel for rectifying if you would prefer not to wait for faffy to come back online (no idea when it will be back)23:56:22 30.10.2014 UTC
IrlJidelmatze_ I uploaded those sheets12:09:03 31.10.2014 UTC
matze_thanks12:10:03 31.10.2014 UTC
matze_rectifying atm12:10:34 31.10.2014 UTC
IrlJidelI had about 50 sheets in the SE that I did over a year ago12:23:57 31.10.2014 UTC
IrlJidelthey were on OSM server faffy - which had hardware problems12:24:20 31.10.2014 UTC
IrlJidelstill ping osm-admins to see what the plan is12:24:43 31.10.2014 UTC
IrlJidelIll be in osm-ie irc if u need anything12:31:49 31.10.2014 UTC
UnknownStephen_Co_Antrim:00:06:07 03.11.2014 UTC
DaCorcl5: welcome16:14:37 08.11.2014 UTC
Stephen_Co_AntrimHi20:12:34 12.11.2014 UTC
DaCorStephen_Co_Antrim: You may want to ask for a replacement for the Limavady sheet as its one of the GSI ones so the quality is not great. We have replacement ones now that are much better quality and easier to use01:16:58 13.11.2014 UTC
UnknownThanks DaCor. The quality is poor in those. Thanks.23:10:38 16.11.2014 UTC
jmkieHi?21:56:55 22.11.2014 UTC
Unknownanon318113:53:56 10.12.2014 UTC
DaCorhi Stephen21:16:33 13.01.2015 UTC
DaCoryou are doing a fantastic job in Antrim21:16:43 13.01.2015 UTC
Stephen_Co_AntrimThanks - getting there. I have a couple which are puzzling me. Artiloman on Bann seems complete but does not appear as finished on the Progress map21:22:18 13.01.2015 UTC
Stephen_Co_AntrimThere is another one down the Glens of Antrim.21:22:54 13.01.2015 UTC
DaCorStephen_Co_Antrim: what are the tile numbers (properties : ## on top right when you click on the grid square)21:25:35 13.01.2015 UTC
Stephen_Co_AntrimArtiloman is in 88, I think21:26:43 13.01.2015 UTC
DaCorit shows up as 8/9 and yellow for me. Are you seeing it as a see-through square?21:27:54 13.01.2015 UTC
DaCoralso, byu any chance would you have the dev3 link handy, the map that shows the coverage of townlands, baronies etc21:28:41 13.01.2015 UTC
Stephen_Co_AntrimI have been checking the dev3 link and both (the other is Mullarts close to Cushendun). They seem ok in it, but are appearing as incomplete in the townlands progress maps21:30:06 13.01.2015 UTC
Stephen_Co_AntrimAnd yeah, the slices are rectified ok. I think it may be something to do with the relations, although I can't for the life of me see any problem in JOSM21:31:02 13.01.2015 UTC
Stephen_Co_AntrimYellow for me also, but just about see-through when not selected21:32:17 13.01.2015 UTC
Stephen_Co_AntrimMullarts is in 22, I think21:45:19 13.01.2015 UTC
DaCorwait, the townlands progress maps?21:47:23 13.01.2015 UTC
DaCoryou mean these 13.01.2015 UTC
Stephen_Co_AntrimYes those ones - sorry for the consusion21:56:31 13.01.2015 UTC
Stephen_Co_AntrimIf you go into them you can see one townland on the west adjoining the Bann. There is one in the North East (Mullarts) and another larger on to the west of Ballycastle.21:58:16 13.01.2015 UTC
Stephen_Co_AntrimThose that don's seem rightclose to Coleraine straddle the county border. I checked your mapping in Fermanagh and the border seems to follow the townlands, but not in this Derry ANtrim border area, for some reason.21:59:31 13.01.2015 UTC
DaCorthe townlands may or may not always follow the county borders22:03:58 13.01.2015 UTC
DaCorso there is no hard and fast rule22:04:07 13.01.2015 UTC
DaCorcounty borders have been altered through the years22:04:16 13.01.2015 UTC
DaCorin 99% of cases they will, but you will get bits where they dont22:05:31 13.01.2015 UTC
DaCorso looking at the few other examples you gave, it looks like some are gaps and some might be broken relations22:06:19 13.01.2015 UTC
DaCordo they look ok in josm when you review them?22:06:28 13.01.2015 UTC
DaCorthe first one, kilcoobin, just needs a small modification to fix22:08:54 13.01.2015 UTC
DaCorthere's a gap that needs to be filled22:09:05 13.01.2015 UTC
DaCorI can fix that now22:09:10 13.01.2015 UTC
DaCorfixed,22:10:58 13.01.2015 UTC
DaCorbtw, what is the source "HMC replies"22:11:07 13.01.2015 UTC
Stephen_Co_AntrimSorry DaCor - was off preparing for a meeting tomorrow. Thanks for your help. I got my my Irish names data from I know Pat McKay and Kay Muhr, who are the people behind it. It is ok to use it as a source? I have been quoting the sources they state in the database.22:34:52 13.01.2015 UTC
DaCorAs far as I know, is ok to use. Its the same as Loganim here22:59:14 13.01.2015 UTC
UnknownThanks11:43:20 31.01.2015 UTC
gillwnhi can anyone tell me how in mapwarper in the rectifier section , how I get the two maps up on the page?11:35:37 28.03.2015 UTC
Attugillwn you just click on the rectify tab above the map in Mapwarper12:35:07 02.04.2015 UTC
Unknownevening noelb18:54:52 12.05.2015 UTC
DaCorbetter18:55:10 12.05.2015 UTC
kdricI'm trying my first map rectify - I've added points and below the two points says map rectified but if I go to map preview it says I need to recify first: what am I doing wrong?21:23:27 12.05.2015 UTC
kdricJust a glitch, eventually it worked....23:38:26 12.05.2015 UTC
DaCorkdric, just an fyi, you need a min of 3 points for the sheet to rectify correctly18:15:10 13.05.2015 UTC
Unknown@ DaCor, I had 40 points but it still didn't work - after a while (2 hrs) it did, just a glitch I thinkust a gl00:12:36 16.05.2015 UTC
DaCorevening kdric20:40:28 18.05.2015 UTC
DaCorhow goes the mapping20:40:54 18.05.2015 UTC
kdric@ DaCor, grand thanks map 9508 has beaten me! Poor aerial imagery and no ref points. Maybe someone else can do better!21:05:53 18.05.2015 UTC
DaCorI'll take a gander21:07:00 18.05.2015 UTC
DaCorwow thats a pain21:10:10 18.05.2015 UTC
DaCorthere's a really poor strip of imagery running through that and the next tile below21:10:37 18.05.2015 UTC
DaCoryou've actually done a pretty good job considering21:11:51 18.05.2015 UTC
DaCorone tip I can give you, where you can see gaps in the coulds and you can make out stone walls in fields, map those in JOSM if they show up on the map sheet21:13:52 18.05.2015 UTC
DaCor*uses his magical admin powers to unreserve all Stephens slices*18:57:26 20.05.2015 UTC
DaCor:)18:57:31 20.05.2015 UTC
DaCorevening stephen18:57:37 20.05.2015 UTC
DaCoryou're doing some amount of mapping over the last few months, fair play to you18:58:08 20.05.2015 UTC
Stephen_Co_AntrimHi DaCor. I find it very addictive. I must get that seen to!19:18:27 20.05.2015 UTC
Stephen_Co_AntrimThanks for the help19:18:43 20.05.2015 UTC
DaCorlol, I know the feeling19:48:27 20.05.2015 UTC
kdricHi, I realise I haven't been doign anything, but hadn't freed the slices....sorry05:42:33 19.02.2016 UTC